Weco was an idea bonded together from Elad and Andreea’s piece.

The time span we were given was not very practical as in a real life situation we’d be given months, perhaps even a year to build up a proper website. We’d also be having our full concentration on this one project, rather than having to concentrate on our other modules at the same time.

Our main aim was to bring together social media, collaboration and to create a community of those that believe in the same thing as we do.

My job, together with Yajiao was to build up the website and design it. In my opinion, when building a new site, we need a more advanced coding than html. Perhaps it would have been a better idea had we used a blogging software. A blogging software would allow us to build up RSS feeds of our posts and when new content was posted, we would not have to completely change all the names of all the posts manually or would we have to change all the pictures manually as well. Another thing a blogging platform would allow us would the opening of user generated comments. Though it might have been possible with the Dreamweaver, we did not have enough time to experiment and find out. Next to each article is a “other stories in this section,” this could also be much easier to be generated. Perhaps we had made a wrong choice in the beginning with which software to choose. But we learn from our mistakes.

Also because it is a community based article generated website, if we do not have enough articles in certain sections, it creates blank spaces. But I believe if the website were to be run longer, that fault would be easily covered.

Our next job was to layout the posts into Dreamweaver and then post them online. We were also in charge of putting what our editor had in mind into form on screen. Though we changed our template quite a few times, I suppose we are happy with the final product.

I wrote two pieces and then collaborated with one with Yajiao. My first piece was on how fast material decomposed and how simple it is to recycle things. My second piece was on H&M and their new fashion line and comments of people who have tried them. My third piece with Yajiao was a piece we did during our news day. It was about comparing the economic and enviromental costs of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Through the news day, I wrote a feature for WNOL. I learned that when you build up features, it is very hard to find pictures that you can get permission to use. Usually pictures online that you would want to use are very hard to find people to contact and use. Especially in a 24hour turn around environment. When you email someone for permission to use their picture, it will usually take them at least a day to reply, which you wouldn’t have time for. Its also almost impossible to take your own pictures, especially for the story me and Yajiao did, as it was half way across the world.

One thing with writing with another person on one article is the idea that both of you have different writing styles. With Yajiao I didn’t really feel this pressure because we both did the research and then we wrote it out together and compromised with each other’s style.

My individual project is called Verbal Feelings. It was an aim to build up a community of people to rant and release their anger in a constructive and non-violent way. I personally have always felt that by writing down or expressing how I feel in an artistic way, it has managed to calm me down. At the same time, by releasing it the to the public and by keeping it anonymous, it allows for other people to relate and bond as well.

Its like an online agony aunt, where everyone is the agony aunt.

I felt like it didn’t really work at first because no one wanted to be the first few posts. But slowly as the page got more posts I started to actually receive one or two emails and some comments as well. I think that if I keep running this website, even after the module ends, it might become popular.

It can become quite generic, the content I acquire. Stuff like love life problems or complaining about exams might come through a lot. I looked through youtube as well to try and bring some interactivity into it. Which I hope would attract more people.

It was run at too short of a time span for me to really get the feel on how successful it will become. But we’ll see.

Woahhh. Twitter got hacked yesterday.

What happend was you could type “accept [insert name of celebrity tweeter]” and they could get that person to follow you. So you could suddenly have tons of celebrity followers. The bug has been fixed now. But isn’t that scary. It shows that no matter how safe you think your company is, it isn’t.

Some celebrities had suddenly zero followers as well. How fun!

Check out the daily mail article here.

Barack Obama also bashed new media. Check out Phillip DeFranco’s opinions here. That’s where I got the information ^^

Oh no! Viacon has produced more documents against Google’s Youtube because they are claiming that they are trying to make money out of copyright infringement. In March 2007, Viacon started the lawsuit saying “YouTube’s business model is completely sustained by pirated content” and “YouTube’s content is all free, and much of it is highly sought after pirated clips.”

Youtube does do its best to remove as much pirated content as possible, just last year I had one of my videos blocked because of copyright infringement. How can Viacon blame Youtube (the company itself) for what its user upload. With the millions of videos that are going up a day, it is almost impossible to control.

So what does that mean for us journalists out there. We use Youtube just as much as the next person, to upload our stories, to watch amateur videos of perhaps news would not normally see unless we were there. Its a great source of information. If Viacon wins this case, well, I don’t know exactly what would happen. The case is suppose to happen sometime this year, but who ever loses will end up appealing again.

So I think we’re safe.

On the subject of Youtube, last year they launched a program called the Youtube Partner Program. What happens is that if you fulfil a certain criteria (such as a minimum number of viewers per video) you can sign up for this program and from it you can earn revenue.

Does this just make those vloggers we love and watch become a subject of the profit making world? Have they been lowered down do “those people’s” level. Or do they just need to make a living too? Tell me what you think.

mflow is a new social networking software that has just come out, that shares music. What happens is, you follow your friends and favourite artists. As they recommend music, you get a whole list of recommendations. And you can do the same. When you share a song, the first time a follower listens they can hear the whole thing. After that, they can only hear a 30 second sample. Once they choose to buy the song, you get 20% of the price of that song.

Now it pays to be popular.

Publishers can learn a lot from this model. News sharing is highly socialable. You can see this from Digg, Tumblr and Twitter. So why not take advantage. You need to attract the crowd and give them incentive. Paul Bradshaw clearly states the whole aspect in his blog post. Check it out there.

I think its an interesting idea. I personally already have Spotify and am not really into the whole ‘paying for music’ idea. BUT I’m not really against those who wish to support their artists out there. Help them spread the word. Get into mflow.

The Streamy Awards 2010 has finally announced their official list of nominees! YAY! Check it out here.

The Streamy Awards is the first and most prestigious awards ceremony devoted to honoring excellence in original web television programming and those who create it. The annual ceremony, and its live online broadcast, brings together top talent, decision-makers and influencers shaping the online entertainment industry.

This award is just another reason to start producing online. There are awards for best documentary or reality web series, best directing of comedic/dramatic web series, best writing for comedy/drama web series and many more. Journalism on the web will continue to merge into the web and these awards are just a away to recognize and appreciate what the internet is bringing for our generation.

Its going to air 11 April 2010 on a live online feed. Are you going to be there?

Virgin Media, a cable TV operator, has chose Brightcove, a leading online video platform, to support their videos on their website which has about 11million visitors monthly.

The two firms said in a statement that Virgin Media would use the Brightcove platform to carry its online news, music and entertainment content alongside adverts. Brightcove, which is privately held, already has partnerships with ITV Channel 4, Five, BSkyB and STV. They last week announced a deal with Turner Broadcasting to support its content throughout Europe.

In this economic downturn, many sites have decided to turn online as it saves money and costs considerably less. It allows the companies to reach a new audience as well as allows 24/7 access internationally. It also companies access to the online advertising world they would not normally be able to access.

Do you prefer to read your news online or in newspaper? Do you think web videos on news websites are good?

The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) says that blogs, social networking sites and other new forms of media has helped to fight against oppression in other countries.

“E-mail alerts, Facebook petitions and blog posts helped raise the visibility of imprisoned journalists in Iran after crackdowns on the media in the aftermath of a disputed presidential election last June.” CPJ said.

Though there are exceptions like China, where their security is so tight that anything they try to post will get them hunted down.

“Censorship technology is growing and becoming so sophisticated in China, that makes it even harder for local people who are interested in getting a word out about these imprisonments or about other infringements, to contact us, to contact their counterparts overseas, to contact the media,” Madeline Earp, of CPJ’s Asia program, told the news conference held in Tokyo when releasing their annual statement.

Do you think the new media can save lives?

Story from Reuters

Google Buzz is a new social networking built right into Gmail. Google describes it is as “the new way to start conversations about the things you find interesting.” Perhaps news companies will start investing in it and start promoting their content through there.

Check out Google’s intro to it:

What do you think? Sound appealing? I already have WAY too many social networking site I own like Friendster, Myspace, Tagged, Bebo and my most used Facebook. I barely use my gmail as it is, so starting a G-Buzz (hehe sounds like a superhero bee), isn’t really all that appealing to me.

How do you feel about it?

The web has become a medium for press to be spread. We discussed in class some of the big trends to hit that might bring a change to the way online journalism is today.

There is the constant complaint that newspaper online are not earning companies any money. With the launch of the Apple iPad, newspapers (Murdoch especially) see this as a way forward to make users pay for online content. Murdoch wants to stop his distribution of news on other media outlets and doesn’t want the results to come up on search engines such as Google, who’s main goal to is provide as many things and possible free. They are funded by advertising and by making more things free, it attracts more advertisers. However Murdoch is promoting a movement towards a paying model.

Another recent news hit is Google pulling out of China. It is rumoured that China was hacking into GMail accounts of Chinese activists, which was the last straw and Google had to pull out. Other rumours say Google pulled out to preserve their reputation. Their corporate motto being “Don’t be evil!” caused them to be severely criticised because by staying in alliance with China, they were supporting censorship.

The WikiLeak which is a place to leak information anonymously has been closed due to lack of funding. They are a non-profit organization funded by human rights campaigners, investigative journalists, technologists and the general public. They are in debt and will continue to suspend their services until they make enough money.

Twitter is now a big trend that could mean the end of journalism articles as we know it. If it becomes popular, news articles will go down from 500 words to 140 letters. Will it become the new face of newspapers or will it be disregarded and just seen as a brief into the bigger picture? Most news companies are already tweeting their articles to attract readers.

With all these changes, we need places to keep in touch with the change. I’d probably keep a close eye on these websites:

  1. Guardian’s Internet section
  2. Journalism News or follow them in twitter @journalismnews
  3. Online Journalism Blog
  4. BBC Technology section
  5. Reuters Technology
  6. etc.. 🙂

Can you suggest some for me?

Follow me on Twitter too ^^ @elliekhor